Staying hydrated in summers becomes a challenge, lets win over this challenge. let's know how
Experts say even mild dehydration can make you feel tired, and severe dehydration may prevent your body from working properly. A 2004 report from the Food and Nutrition Board suggested that men aim for about 3.7 liters of water a day and women aim for about 2.7 liters a day. But that may change in different environments: Hot or humid weather can necessitate additional fluid intake, as in high altitudes.
Experts say even mild dehydration can make you feel tired, and severe dehydration may prevent your body from working properly. A 2004 report from the Food and Nutrition Board suggested that men aim for about 3.7 liters of water a day and women aim for about 2.7 liters a day. But that may change in different environments: Hot or humid weather can necessitate additional fluid intake, as in high altitudes.
Research suggests that fluids in our body maintain our bodily functions, carry nutrients to our cells, remove bacteria from our body, and prevent constipation. While keeping yourself hydrated may sound as simply drinking more water, then you need to read this.
An important step to staying well-hydrated is to know what your water intake needs are? Is it water only to stay hydrated and rich in body? Are you ‘only’ consuming water and ignoring all other fluid resources?
Keep in mind that the basic recommendation of 8 eight ounce glasses of water per day is flexible. You will need to drink more on top of this, whether if: 1. You workout to stay fit and fresh, you will need to increase your water consumption, to fulfill lost sweat and keep your body hydrated and functioning. 2. Your environment effects your water consumtion directly. Hotter temperatures, such as during hot weather, even humidified air indoors, require greater water consumption to re-energize your